
Witch Hazel Toner

A Facial toner, an under eye bag remedy, a varicose vein remedy, who knew?

I was looking everywhere high and low for anything that would be an excellent toner to add to my skin care routine. I was afraid of purchasing anything cause I don't like wasting money. I'm a huge fan of watching makeup/skincare/nail art etc on youtube and I'm a subscriber to xsparkage who had made a video about a natural remedy for a toner. 

The recipe is: 
1 part Witch Hazel 
1 part Apple Cider Vinegar 
3 parts Water or Green Tea

First off, this is the cheapest skin care product I own it cost me a whopping $2. I just made this using Witch Hazel, and White Vinegar and tried it after cleansing. I haven't noticed any significant changes yet. One thing I do need to mention is the weird Witch Hazel smell. It smells something like new plastic but much more overwhelming. It fills the air when the cap is off and it's quite fetor (I gag at the smell). The vinegar mixed with it weakens the Witch Hazel smell quite a bit, but it smells strongly of Vinegar (which I don't personally mind). The smell does not linger very long, I smell it a little bit after it dries, but I apply a moisturizer before bed and that drowns out the stench completely. This mixture left my skin feeling tighter, much less oily than normal. I haven't had any irritation yet, we will see when I wake up tomorrow if there are any changes in the aforementioned. Random updates to come in the next few days/weeks


So far this toner has worked well. I wash my face with a scrub every night and then I apply this toner to a cotton pad and smooth it over my face. It has caught that tiny little bit that my cleanser wasn't able to get. Usually the area around my nose and under my chin is the hardest for me to cleanse well, and this toner is exactly what I needed to get that last bit of foundation off my skin.

After the first day I did develop a small breakout on my cheek, but I continued to use it every day and my skin did not get worse, in fact it started to clear up faster than a normal breakout. I really do not believe that it was the toner that caused the minor breakout, if anything my pillow/pillowcase is the culprit. I normally switch out my pillow case(s) weekly, and wash my bedclothes monthly. (Unfortunately, I get caught up with school and end up forgetting/running out of time and end up a week or two late)

My pores do not look any cleaner, however they do seem less noticeable since I started using this toner.

BTW: This toner still stinks just as bad as the first time I used it. (thought I would be used to it by now)

That is all.

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